Trying to catch up (you can't)

When you start falling behind, I think the best thing to do is let the missed days be missed days. When we try to make up for lost time we compromise our effectiveness. It has been nearly a month since I have written a blog post here because I missed a couple of days and thought I should probably write 2-3 blog posts to make up for it.

That turned into having to write 5-6 blog posts and before I knew it I hadn't written anything for nearly a month.

Missed days aren’t the end of the world and seasons in our life where we are not quite as effective or productive happen. They only become problematic if we destroy our ability to work by trying to make up for that lost time. You can never make up lost time. Either don’t lose the time or become comfortable losing some time every once in a while. You can’t be effective yesterday, so focus on being effective right now.

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”