Be not the problem, be the problem-solver

When the bride realizes she left something in the hotel lobby 20 floors below and nobody can grab it, be the wedding photographer who insists you grab it for her.

When the time-critical package isn't delivered in time, be the FedEx employee who pro-actively secures a private courier to ensure the package gets delivered on time. Don't make the paying customer driver 2 hours to the nearest distribution center to get their package.

When the pipe breaks, get your renter a free hotel room(the nicer, the better!) for a couple of nights as a treat "stay-cation" to make up for the inconvenience.

Be the one who oils the wheel. Be the one who solves the problem. Be the one who over-delivers at every single step of the process.

They'll soon forget what you say and what you do, but they'll never forget how you made them feel. Also, it's just a cooler way to live your life.

Be not the problem!